Current Weather for Guangzhou,

Sunrise: 6:22 am
Sunset: 6:40 pm
Moon: New Moon
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Weather Topic: What are Cumulus Clouds?
Home - Education - Cloud Types - Cumulus Clouds
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Cumulus clouds are fluffy and textured with rounded tops, and
may have flat bottoms. The border of a cumulus cloud
is clearly defined, and can have the appearance of cotton or cauliflower.
Cumulus clouds form at low altitudes (rarely above 2 km) but can grow very tall,
becoming cumulus congestus and possibly the even taller cumulonimbus clouds.
When cumulus clouds become taller, they have a greater chance of producing precipitation.
Next Topic: Drizzle
Weather Topic: What is Evaporation?
Home - Education - Precipitation - Evaporation
Next Topic: Fog
Evaporation is the process which returns water from the earth
back to the atmosphere, and is another crucial process in the water cycle.
Evaporation is the transformation of liquid into gas, and it happens because
molecules are excited by the application of energy and turn into vapor.
In order for water to evaporate it has to be on the surface of a body of water.
Next Topic: Fog
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