Weather Alerts for California
1. Air Quality Alert for: San Bernardino and Riverside County Valleys-The Inland Empire; Santa Ana Mountains and Foothills; Orange County Inland
2. Air Quality Alert for: Santa Clarita Valley; Malibu Coast; Western Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area; Eastern Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area; Calabasas and Agoura Hills; Western San Fernando Valley; Eastern San Fernando Valley; Interstate 5 Corridor; Western San Gabriel Mountains and Highway 14 Corridor
3. Air Quality Alert for: Ventura County Beaches; Ventura County Inland Coast; Central Ventura County Valleys; Southeastern Ventura County Valleys; Santa Susana Mountains
4. Air Quality Alert for: Ventura County Beaches; Ventura County Inland Coast; Central Ventura County Valleys; Southeastern Ventura County Valleys; Santa Susana Mountains
5. Freeze Warning for: Antelope Valley
6. Freeze Warning for: Ojai Valley
7. Freeze Warning for: Santa Barbara County Central Coast Beaches; Santa Barbara County Inland Central Coast
8. Frost Advisory for: North Bay Interior Valleys; East Bay Interior Valleys; Southern Salinas Valley/Arroyo Seco and Lake San Antonio; Mountains Of San Benito County And Interior Monterey County Including Pinnacles National Park
9. Frost Advisory for: San Luis Obispo County Beaches; San Luis Obispo County Inland Central Coast
10. Frost Advisory for: Santa Barbara County Southwestern Coast; Santa Barbara County Southeastern Coast
11. High Wind Warning for: San Bernardino and Riverside County Valleys-The Inland Empire; San Diego County Inland Valleys; San Bernardino County Mountains; Riverside County Mountains; Santa Ana Mountains and Foothills; San Diego County Mountains; San Gorgonio Pass Near Banning; Orange County Inland
12. High Wind Warning for: Santa Clarita Valley; Western Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area; Santa Susana Mountains; Southern Ventura County Mountains; Interstate 5 Corridor; Western San Gabriel Mountains and Highway 14 Corridor; Eastern San Gabriel Mountains
13. Red Flag Warning for: San Bernardino and Riverside County Valleys - The Inland Empire; San Diego County Inland Valleys; San Bernardino County Mountains-Including The Mountain Top And Front Country Ranger Districts Of The San Bernardino National Forest; Riverside County Mountains-Including The San Jacinto Ranger District Of The San Bernardino National Forest; Santa Ana Mountains-Including The Trabuco Ranger District of the Cleveland National Forest; San Diego County Mountains-Including The Palomar And Descanso Ranger Districts of the Cleveland National Forest; San Gorgonio Pass Near Banning; Orange County Inland
14. Red Flag Warning for: Santa Clarita Valley; Ventura County Beaches; Ventura County Inland Coast; Central Ventura County Valleys; Malibu Coast; Calabasas and Agoura Hills; Western San Fernando Valley; Eastern San Fernando Valley; Southeastern Ventura County Valleys
15. Red Flag Warning for: Western Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area; Eastern Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area; Santa Susana Mountains; Southern Ventura County Mountains; Northern Ventura County Mountains; Interstate 5 Corridor; Western San Gabriel Mountains and Highway 14 Corridor; Eastern San Gabriel Mountains
16. Wind Advisory for: Northern Ventura County Mountains
17. Wind Advisory for: Ventura County Beaches; Ventura County Inland Coast; Central Ventura County Valleys; Malibu Coast; Eastern Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area; Calabasas and Agoura Hills; Western San Fernando Valley; Southeastern Ventura County Valleys
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Current U.S. National Radar--Current
The Current National Weather Radar is shown below with a UTC Time (subtract 5 hours from UTC to get Eastern Time).
National Weather Forecast--Current
The Current National Weather Forecast and National Weather Map are shown below.
National Weather Forecast for Tomorrow
Tomorrow National Weather Forecast and Tomorrow National Weather Map are show below.
North America Water Vapor (Moisture)
This map shows recent moisture content over North America. Bright and colored areas show high moisture (ie, clouds); brown indicates very little moisture present; black indicates no moisture.
Weather Topic: What is Snow?
Home - Education - Precipitation - Snow
Next Topic: Stratocumulus Clouds
Snow is precipitation taking the form of ice crystals. Each ice crystal, or snowflake,
has unique characteristics, but all of them grow in a hexagonal structure.
Snowfall can last for sustained periods of time and result in significant buildup
of snow on the ground.
On the earth's surface, snow starts out light and powdery, but as it begins to melt
it tends to become more granular, producing small bits of ice which have the consistency of
sand. After several cycles of melting and freezing, snow can become very dense
and ice-like, commonly known as snow pack.
Next Topic: Stratocumulus Clouds
Weather Topic: What are Stratus Clouds?
Home - Education - Cloud Types - Stratus Clouds
Next Topic: Wall Clouds
Stratus clouds are similar to altostratus clouds, but form at a
lower altitude and are identified by their fog-like appearance, lacking the
distinguishing features of most clouds.
Stratus clouds are wider than most clouds, and their base has a smooth, uniform
look which is lighter in color than a nimbostratus cloud.
The presence of a stratus cloud indicates the possibility of minor precipitation,
such as drizzle, but heavier precipitation does not typically arrive in the form
of a stratus cloud.
Next Topic: Wall Clouds