Weather Alert in Florida
Flood Warning issued March 14 at 9:16AM EDT until March 17 at 2:00PM EDT by NWS Tallahassee FL
AREAS AFFECTED: Jefferson, FL; Madison, FL; Taylor, FL
DESCRIPTION: ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Florida... Aucilla River at Lamont (US 27) affecting Taylor, Jefferson and Madison Counties. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Aucilla River at Lamont (US 27). * WHEN...Until early Monday afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 53.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding begins. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 8:45 AM EDT Friday the stage was 53.5 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 8:45 AM EDT Friday was 53.6 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage early Monday morning and continue falling to 52.5 feet Wednesday morning. - Flood stage is 53.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 53.5 feet on 12/09/2018. -
INSTRUCTION: Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Flooding is occurring or is imminent. Most flood related deaths occur in automobiles. Do not attempt to cross water covered bridges, dips, or low water crossings. Never try to cross a flowing stream, even a small one, on foot. To escape rising water find another route over higher ground. Additional information is available at The next statement will be issued late tonight at 230 AM EDT.
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Current U.S. National Radar--Current
The Current National Weather Radar is shown below with a UTC Time (subtract 5 hours from UTC to get Eastern Time).

National Weather Forecast--Current
The Current National Weather Forecast and National Weather Map are shown below.

National Weather Forecast for Tomorrow
Tomorrow National Weather Forecast and Tomorrow National Weather Map are show below.

North America Water Vapor (Moisture)
This map shows recent moisture content over North America. Bright and colored areas show high moisture (ie, clouds); brown indicates very little moisture present; black indicates no moisture.

Weather Topic: What is Sleet?
Home - Education - Precipitation - Sleet
Next Topic: Snow
Sleet is a form of precipitation in which small ice pellets are the primary
components. These ice pellets are smaller and more translucent than hailstones,
and harder than graupel. Sleet is caused by specific atmospheric conditions and
therefore typically doesn't last for extended periods of time.
The condition which leads to sleet formation requires a warmer body of air to be
wedged in between two sub-freezing bodies of air. When snow falls through a warmer
layer of air it melts, and as it falls through the next sub-freezing body of air
it freezes again, forming ice pellets known as sleet. In some cases, water
droplets don't have time to freeze before reaching the surface and the result is
freezing rain.
Next Topic: Snow
Weather Topic: What are Stratocumulus Clouds?
Home - Education - Cloud Types - Stratocumulus Clouds
Next Topic: Stratus Clouds
Stratocumulus clouds are similar to altocumulus clouds in their
fluffy appearance, but have a slightly darker shade due to their additional mass.
A good way to distinguish the two cloud types is to hold your hand out and measure
the size of an individual cloud; if it is the size of your thumb it is generally
an altocumulus cloud, if it is the size of your hand it is generally a
stratocumulus cloud.
It is uncommon for stratocumulus clouds to produce precipitation, but if they do
it is usually a light rain or snow.
Next Topic: Stratus Clouds