Weather Alert in Ohio

Recent Locations: Novelty, OH  

Special Weather Statement issued March 12 at 3:22AM EDT by NWS Charleston WV

AREAS AFFECTED: Perry; Morgan; Athens; Washington; Jackson; Vinton; Meigs; Gallia; Lawrence

DESCRIPTION: Lack of recent precipitation, relative humidity values ranging from around 20 to 30 percent and breezy winds with gusts of 15 to 20 mph will result in an increased risk for wildfire spread across the area this afternoon and evening. Any ignition source may quickly get out of control given the gusty winds. For your safety and the safety of others, you are urged to avoid outdoor burning. Spring fire season for the state of Ohio is during the months of March through May. From March 1st through May 31th...all outdoor burning is prohibited between the hours of 6am and 6pm.


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Current U.S. National Radar--Current

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Current U.S. National Radar

National Weather Forecast--Current

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Today's National Weather Map

National Weather Forecast for Tomorrow

Tomorrow National Weather Forecast and Tomorrow National Weather Map are show below.

Tomorrows National Weather Map

North America Water Vapor (Moisture)

This map shows recent moisture content over North America. Bright and colored areas show high moisture (ie, clouds); brown indicates very little moisture present; black indicates no moisture.

North American Water Vapor Map

Weather Topic: What are Stratocumulus Clouds?

Home - Education - Cloud Types - Stratocumulus Clouds

Stratocumulus Clouds Next Topic: Stratus Clouds

Stratocumulus clouds are similar to altocumulus clouds in their fluffy appearance, but have a slightly darker shade due to their additional mass.

A good way to distinguish the two cloud types is to hold your hand out and measure the size of an individual cloud; if it is the size of your thumb it is generally an altocumulus cloud, if it is the size of your hand it is generally a stratocumulus cloud.

It is uncommon for stratocumulus clouds to produce precipitation, but if they do it is usually a light rain or snow.

Next Topic: Stratus Clouds

Weather Topic: What are Wall Clouds?

Home - Education - Cloud Types - Wall Clouds

Wall Clouds Next Topic: Altocumulus Clouds

A wall cloud forms underneath the base of a cumulonimbus cloud, and can be a hotbed for deadly tornadoes.

Wall clouds are formed by air flowing into the cumulonimbus clouds, which can result in the wall cloud descending from the base of the cumulonimbus cloud, or rising fractus clouds which join to the base of the storm cloud as the wall cloud takes shape.

Wall clouds can be very large, and in the Northern Hemisphere they generally form at the southern edge of cumulonimbus clouds.

Next Topic: Altocumulus Clouds