Weather Alert in Illinois

Recent Locations: Holcomb, IL  
Current Alerts for Holcomb, IL: High Wind Warning Red Flag Warning
Wind Advisory

Red Flag Warning issued March 14 at 3:44AM CDT until March 14 at 5:00PM CDT by NWS St Louis MO

AREAS AFFECTED: Adams; Knox; Lewis; Shelby; Marion; Monroe; Ralls; Boone; Audrain; Moniteau; Cole; Osage; Callaway

DESCRIPTION: * AFFECTED AREA...In Illinois, Fire Weather Zone 095. In Missouri, Fire Weather Zones 018, 019, 026, 027, 034, 035, 041, 042, 047, 048, 049 and 050. * TIMING...From noon to 5 PM CDT today. * WINDS...South 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 23 percent. * IMPACTS...These conditions are conducive for the rapid spread and growth of uncontrolled wildfires.

INSTRUCTION: A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and dry fuels can contribute to extreme fire behavior.

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Current U.S. National Radar--Current

The Current National Weather Radar is shown below with a UTC Time (subtract 5 hours from UTC to get Eastern Time).

Current U.S. National Radar

National Weather Forecast--Current

The Current National Weather Forecast and National Weather Map are shown below.

Today's National Weather Map

National Weather Forecast for Tomorrow

Tomorrow National Weather Forecast and Tomorrow National Weather Map are show below.

Tomorrows National Weather Map

North America Water Vapor (Moisture)

This map shows recent moisture content over North America. Bright and colored areas show high moisture (ie, clouds); brown indicates very little moisture present; black indicates no moisture.

North American Water Vapor Map

Weather Topic: What are Fractus Clouds?

Home - Education - Cloud Types - Fractus Clouds

Fractus Clouds Next Topic: Freezing Rain

A fractus cloud (scud) is a fragmented, tattered cloud which has likely been sheared off of another cloud. They are accessory clouds, meaning they develop from parent clouds, and are named in a way which describes the original cloud which contained them.

Fractus clouds which have originated from cumulus clouds are referred to as cumulus fractus, while fractus clouds which have originated from stratus clouds are referred to as stratus fractus. Under certain conditions a fractus cloud might merge with another cloud, or develop into a cumulus cloud, but usually a fractus cloud seen by itself will dissipate rapidly.

They are often observed on the leading and trailing edges of storm clouds, and are a display of wind activity.

Next Topic: Freezing Rain

Weather Topic: What is Graupel?

Home - Education - Precipitation - Graupel

Graupel Next Topic: Hail

Graupel is a form of precipitation that is created by atmospheric conditions which cause supercooled water droplets to contact snow crystals and freeze to their surface.

Sometimes known as soft hail or snow pellets, graupel is delicate and easily destroyed by touch. Whereas hail usually falls during severe weather, graupel doesn't require such conditions to form, and can form in mild precipitation similar to situations which produce snowfall.

Next Topic: Hail